This volume is devoted largely to tracing the story
of God's marvelous dealing with nations and with notable individuals in
fulfillment of the great prophecies of the Bible in the past, but more
particularly to the unrolling of the prophetic scroll as seen in the
stirring events of the throbbing present, and of those impending in the
immediate and ominous future. Such events are of the greatest personal
significance to every man and woman.
No one can afford to live in a time like ours without
studying the vital issues it has pleased God to open to our
understanding in this fast moving age. Such issues have eternal
consequences for every soul.
The author of this book lived and wrote more than a
century ago, and in the literary and polemic style of those times. His
interpretation of prophecy, however, and the doctrines of truth he
established through intensive study of the Scriptures, have borne the
test of time and of diligent scrutiny by Bible students. Indeed, they
have borne the test so well that they are the more worthy of being
perpetuated in a revised edition, which it is our great pleasure to
offer in this present attractive form.
No effort has been spared by the editors to simplify
and clarify the presentation of truth in the fluent and appealing
diction of the writer, to verify all historical and exegetical sources
drawn upon by the author, and in notable instances to fortify the
teaching by new evidence not available at the time of the original
writing. They have sought also to bring to bear upon prophetic
interpretation the additional weight of significance so obviously
discernible in political, social, and religious developments pressing
upon our attention in these culminating days of the gospel era.
Thoughtful and open-minded consideration of these
vital themes by every candid reader is earnestly invited.