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Revelation Chapter VII
The Seal of the Living God
Verse 1 And after these things I saw four angels
standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the
earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor
on any tree. 2 And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having
the seal of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four
angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea, 3 Saying,
Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed
the servants of our God in their foreheads.
The time of the work here introduced is established
beyond mistake. The sixth chapter closed with the events of the sixth
seal, and the seventh seal is not mentioned until we reach the beginning
of Revelation 8. The whole of Revelation 7 is therefore thrown in here
parenthetically. Why is it thus introduced at this point? Evidently it
is given fro the purpose of stating additional particulars concerning
the sixth seal. The expression, "after these things," does not
mean after the fulfillment of all the events previously described, but
after the prophets had been carried in vision to the close of the sixth
seal, that the consecutive order of events as given in Revelation 6
might not be broken, his mind is called to what is mentioned in
Revelation 7, as further particulars in regard to the seal. We inquire,
Between what events in that seal is this work done? It must be
accomplished before the departing of the heavens as a scroll, for after
that event there is no place for such a work as this. It must take place
after the signs in the sun, moon, and stars, for these signs have
already been fulfilled, and such a sealing work has not yet been
accomplished. It comes in therefore between the 13th and 14th verses of
Revelation 6. There, as already shown, is just where we now stand. Hence
the first part of Revelation 7 relates to a work the accomplishment of
which may be looked for now.
Four Angels.--Angels are ever-present agents
in the affairs of the earth. Why may not these be four of those heavenly
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beings into whose hands God has committed the work of
holding the winds while it is God's purpose that they should not blow,
and loosing them when the time comes for the hurting of the earth?
Four Corners of the Earth.--This expression
denotes the four quarters, or the four points of the compass, and
signifies that these angels in their particular sphere have charge of
the whole earth.
Four Winds.--Winds in the Bible symbolize
political commotion, strife, and war. (Daniel 7: 2, Jeremiah 25: 32.)
The four winds, held by four angels standing in the four quarters of the
earth, must denote all the elements of strife and commotion that exist
in the world. When they are all loosed and all blow together, it will
constitute the great whirlwind just referred to in the prophecy of
Angel Ascending From the East.--Another
literal angel, having charge of another specific work, is here
introduced. Instead of the words "ascending from the east,"
some translations read, "ascending from the sunrising," which
is a more literal translation. The expression evidently refers to manner
rather than locality, for as the sun rises with rays at first oblique
and comparatively powerless, then increases in strength until it shine
in all its meridian power and splendor, so the work of this angel begins
in moderation, moves onward with ever-accumulating influence, and closes
in strength and power.
Seal of the Living God.--It is the
distinguishing characteristic of the ascending angel that he bears with
him the seal of the living God. From this fact and the chronology of his
work we are to determine if possible what movement is symbolized by his
mission. The nature of his work is evidently suggested by his having the
seal of the living God. To ascertain what his work is, we must determine
what the seal of the living God is.
A seal is defined to be an instrument of sealing,
that which "is used by individuals, corporate bodies, and states,
for making impressions on wax, upon instruments of writing, as an
evidence of their authenticity." The original word in this text
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is defined, "A seal, i.e., a signet ring; a
mark, stamp, badge; a token, a pledge." The verb signifies:
"To secure to any one, to make sure; to set a seal or mark upon
anything in token of its being genuine or approved; to attest, to
confirm, to establish, to distinguish by a mark." With these
definitions as a basis, we compare Genesis 17: 11 with Romans 4: 11, and
Revelation 7: 3 with Ezekiel 9: 4, and find that the words
"token," "sign," "seal," and
"mark" are used in the Bible as synonymous terms. The seal of
God brought to view in our text is to applied to the servants of God. In
this case it is not some literal mark to be made in the flesh, but some
institution or observance having special reference to God, which will
serve as a "mark of distinction" between the worshipers of God
and those who are not His servants, though they may profess to follow
A seal is used to render valid or authentic any
enactments or laws that a person or power may promulgate. Frequent
instances of its use occur in the Scriptures. In 1 Kings 21: 8, we read
that Jezebel "wrote letters in Ahab's name, and sealed them with
his seal." These letters then had all the authority of King Ahab.
Again, in Esther 3: 12: "In the name of King Ahasuerus was it
written, and sealed with the king's ring." So also in Esther 8: 8:
"The writing which is written in the king's name, and sealed with
the king's ring, may no man reverse."
A seal is used in connection with some law or
enactment that demands obedience, or upon documents that are to be made
legal, or subject to the provisions of law. The idea of law is
inseparable from a seal.
We are not suppose that to the enactments and laws of
God binding upon men, there must be attached a literal seal, made with
literal instruments. From the definition of the term, and the purpose
for which a seal is used, as shown before, we must understand a seal to
be strictly that which gives validity and authenticity to enactments and
laws. This is found in the name of signature of the lawmaking power, ex-
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pressed in such terms as to show what power is, and
its right to make laws and demand obedience. Even with a literal seal,
the name must always be used as indicated in the references given above.
An instance of the use of the name alone seems to occur in Daniel 6: 8:
"Now, O king, establish the decree, and sign the writing, that it
be not changed, according to the law of the Medes and Persians, which
altereth not." In other words, affix the signature of royalty,
which shows who it is that demands obedience, and what his right is to
demand it.
In the prophecy of Isaiah 8, we read: "Bind up
the testimony, seal the law among My disciples." This must refer to
a work of reviving in the minds of the disciples some of the claims of
the law which have been overlooked, or perverted from their true
meaning. In the prophecy this is called sealing the law, or restoring to
it its seal, which had been taken from it.
The 144,000 who in the chapter before us are said to
be sealed with the seal of God in their foreheads, are again brought to
view in Revelation 14: 1, where they are said to have the Father's name
written in their foreheads.
What Is the Seal of God?--From the foregoing
reasoning, facts, and declarations of Scripture, two conclusions
inevitably follow:
1. The seal of God is found in the law.
2. The seal of God is that part of His law which
contains His name, or descriptive title, showing who He is, the extent
of His dominion, and His right to rule.
The law of God is admitted by all the leading
evangelical denominations to be summarily contained in the decalogue, or
ten commandments. We have, then, but to examine these commandments to
see which one it is that constitutes the seal of the law, or in other
words, makes known the true God, the lawmaking power.
The first three commandments mention the word
"God," but we cannot tell from these who is meant, for there
are multitudes of objects to which this name is applied. There
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are "gods many and lords many," as the
apostle says. (1 Corinthians 8: 5.) We pass over the fourth commandment
for the time being. The fifth contains the words "Lord" and
"God," but does not define them, and the remaining five
precepts do not contain the name of God at all. With that part of the
law which we have examined, it would be impossible to convict the
grossest idolater of sin. The worshiper of images could say, This idol
before me is my god, and I worship him according to this law. Thus
without the fourth commandment the decalogue is null and void, as far as
it pertains to the definition of the worship of the true God.
But let us now add the fourth commandment, restore to
the law this precept, which many are ready to contend has been expunged,
and see how the case will then stand. As we examine this commandment,
which contains the declaration, "For in six days the Lord made
heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is," we see at once
that we are reading the requirements of Him who created all things. The
sun then is not the God of the decalogue. The true God is He who made
the sun. No object in heaven or earth is the being who here demands
obedience, for the god of this law is the one who made all created
things. Now we have a weapon against idolatry. Now this law can no
longer be applied to false gods, who "have not made the heavens and
the earth." Jeremiah 10: 11. The Author of this law has declared
who He is, the extent of His dominion, and His right to rule; for every
created intelligence must at once assent that He who is the Creator of
all has a right to demand obedience from all His creatures. Thus the
fourth commandment in its place, this wonderful document, the decalogue,
the only document among men which God ever wrote with His own finger,
has a signature, it has that which renders it intelligible and
authentic, it has a seal. But without the fourth commandment, the law is
incomplete and unauthoritative.
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From the foregoing logic it is evident that the
fourth commandment constitutes the seal of the law of God, or the seal
of God. The Scriptures give direct testimony on this conclusion.
We have seen already that in Scripture usage,
"sign," "seal," "token," and
"mark" are synonymous terms. The Lord expressly says that the
Sabbath is a sign between Him and His people. 'Verily My Sabbaths ye
shall keep; for it is a sign between Me and you throughout your
generations; that ye may know that I am the Lord that doth sanctify
you." Exodus 31: 13. The same fact is again stated in Ezekiel 20:
12, 20. Here the Lord told His people that the very object of their
keeping the Sabbath was that they might know that He is the true God.
This is the same as if the Lord had said, "The Sabbath is a seal.
On My part it is the seal of My authority, the sign that I have the
right to command obedience; on you part it is a token that you accept Me
to be your God."
Should it be said that this principle can have no
application to Christians at the present time, as the Sabbath was a sign
between God and the Jews only, it would be sufficient to reply that the
terms "Jews" and "Israel" in a true Scriptural sense
are not confined to the literal seed of Abraham. This patriarch was
chosen at first because he was the friend of God while his fathers were
idolaters. His posterity were chosen to be God's people, the guardians
of His law and the depositaries of His truth, because all others had
apostatized from Him. These words respecting the Sabbath were spoken to
them while they enjoyed the honor of being thus set apart from all
others. But when the middle wall of partition was broken down, and the
Gentiles were called in to be partakers of the blessings of Abraham, all
God's people, both Jews and Gentiles, were brought into a new and more
intimate relation to God through His Son, and are now described by such
expressions as "a Jew which is one inwardly," and "an
Israelite indeed." Romans 2: 29; John 1: 47. These declarations
apply to all such, for they have as much occasion to know the Lord as
had His people of old.
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Thus the Sabbath of the fourth commandment is taken
by the Lord as a sign between Him and His people, or the seal of His law
for all time. By keeping that commandment people signify that they are
the worshipers of the true God. In the same commandment God make Himself
known as their rightful ruler, inasmuch as He is their Creator.
In harmony with this idea, the significant fact is to
be noticed that whenever the sacred writers wish to point out the true
God in distinction from false gods of every description, an appeal is
made to the great facts of creation, upon which the fourth commandment
is based. (See 2 Kings 19: 15; 2 Chronicles 2: 12; Nehemiah 9: 6; Psalm
96: 5; 115: 4-7, 15; 121: 2; 124: 8; 134: 3; 146: 6; Isaiah 37: 16; 42:
5; 44: 24; 45: 12; 51: 13; Job 9: 8; Jeremiah 10: 10-12; 32: 17; 51: 15;
Acts 4: 24; 14: 15; 17: 23, 24.)
Notice again that the same company who in Revelation
7 have the seal of the living God in their foreheads, are brought to
view again in Revelation 14: 1, having the Father's name in their
foreheads. This is good proof that the "seal of the living
God" and the "Father's name" are used synonymously. The
chain of evidence on this point is made complete when it is ascertained
that the fourth commandment, which has been shown to be the seal of the
law, is spoken of by the Lord as that which contains His name. The proof
of this will be seen in Deuteronomy 16: 6: "But at the place which
the Lord thy God shall chose to place His name in, there shalt thou
sacrifice the Passover." What was in the place where they
sacrificed the Passover? There was the sanctuary, having in its holiest
apartment the ark with the ten commandments, the fourth of which
identified the true God, and contained His name. Wherever this fourth
commandment was, there God's name was placed, and this was the only
thing to which the language could be applied. (See Deuteronomy 12: 5,
11, 21; 14: 23, 24.)
The Sealing Work.--Since we have now
ascertained that the seal of God is His holy Sabbath, with which His
name is identified, we are prepared to proceed with the application.
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By the scenes introduced in the verses before us--the
four winds apparently about to blow, bringing war and trouble upon the
land, and this work restrained until the servants of God should be
sealed--we are reminded of the houses of the Israelites marked with the
blood of the paschal lamb, and spared as the destroying angel passed
over to slay the firstborn of the Egyptians. (Exodus 12.) We are also
reminded of the mark made by the man with a writer's inkhorn on all
those who were to be spared by the men with the slaughtering weapons who
followed after. (Ezekiel 9.) We conclude that the seal of God placed
upon His servants is some distinguishing mark, or religious
characteristic, through which they will be exempted from the judgments
of God that fall on the wicked around them.
As we have found the seal of God in the fourth
commandment, the inquiry follows, Does the observance of that
commandment involve any peculiarity in religious practice?--Yes, a very
marked and striking one. It is one of the most singular facts to be met
with in religious history that, in an age of such boasted gospel light
as the present, when the influence of Christianity is so powerful and
widespread, one of the most striking peculiarities in practice which a
person can adopt, and one of the greatest crosses he can take up, is the
simple observance of the fourth commandment of God's law. This precept
requires the observance of the seventh day of each week as the Sabbath
of the Lord; while almost all Christendom, through the combined
influences of paganism and the papacy, has been beguiled into the
keeping of the first day. A person has only to begin the observance of
the day enjoined in the commandment, when a mark of peculiarity is upon
him at once. He is distinct from both the professedly religious and the
secular world.
We conclude that the angel ascending from the east,
having the seal of the living God, is a divine messenger in charge of a
work of reform to be carried on among men involving the Sabbath of the
fourth commandment. The agents of this work
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on the earth are of course ministers of Christ, for
to men is given the commission of instructing their fellow men in Bible
truth. But as there is order in the execution of all the divine
counsels, it seems not improbable that a literal angel may have the
charge and oversight of this reform.
We have already noticed that the chronology of this
work locates it in our own time. This is further evident from the fact
that in the next scene after the sealing of these servants of God, they
appear before the throne with palms of victory in their hands. The
sealing is therefore the last work to be accomplished for them prior to
their deliverance from the destruction brought upon the world in
connection with the second advent.
Identity of the Sealing Angel.--In Revelation
14 we find the same work again brought to view under the symbol of an
angel flying in the midst of heaven with the most terrible warning that
ever fell upon the ears of men. While we shall speak of this more fully
when we reach that chapter, we refer to it now because it is the last
work to be accomplished for the world before the coming of Christ, which
is the next event in order in that prophecy, and hence must synchronize
with the work here brought to view in Revelation 7: 1-3. The angel with
the seal of the living God is therefore the same as the third angel of
Revelation 14.
This view strengthens the foregoing exposition of the
seal. As the result of the sealing work in Revelation 7, a certain
company are sealed with the seal of the living God, while as the result
of the third angel's message of Revelation 14 a company of people obey
all the "commandments of God." Revelation 14: 12. It is the
fourth commandment of the decalogue and that alone which the Christian
world is openly violating and teaching men to violate. That this is the
vital question in this message is evident from the fact that the keeping
of the commandments, including the Lord's Sabbath, is what distinguishes
the servants of God from those who worship the beast and receive his
mark. As will be hereafter shown, this mark is the observance of a
counterfeit sabbath.
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After thus briefly noticing the main points of the
subject, we now come to the most striking feature of all. In accordance
with the foregoing chronological argument, we find this work already in
process of fulfillment before our eyes. The third angel's message is
going forth. The angel ascending from the east is on his mission. The
reform on the Sabbath question has begun; and it is surely, though yet
in comparative silence, working its way through the land. It is destined
to agitate every country that receives the light of the gospel, and it
will result in bringing out a people prepared for the soon coming of the
Saviour, and sealed for His everlasting kingdom. The sealing of the
servants of God by the angel mentioned in verse 3, is therefore in
recognition of their faithfulness in keeping the law of God, who is
identified in the fourth commandment as the Creator of heaven and earth,
and who established the seventh-day Sabbath in commemoration of that
great work.
Holding the Winds.--With one more question we
leave these verses, upon which we have dwelt so long. Have we seen among
the nations any movements which would indicate that the cry of the
ascending angel, "Hurt not" by the blowing of the winds,
"till we have sealed the servants of our God," has in any
manner been answered? The time during which the winds are held could not
from the nature of the case be a time of profound peace. This would not
answer to the prophecy, for in order to make it manifest that the winds
are being held, there must be disturbance, agitation, anger, and
jealousy among the nations, with occasional outbursts of strife, like
fitful gusts breaking away from the imprisoned and struggling tempest.
These outbursts must be unexpectedly checked. Then, but not otherwise,
would it be evident to him who looked at events in the light of
prophecy, that for some good purpose the restraining hand of Omnipotence
was laid upon the surging elements of strife and war. Such has been the
aspect of our times. New and unlooked-for complications have suddenly
arisen, throwing the world into apparently inextricable confusion, and
threatening immediate and direful war, when sud-
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denly and unaccountably all subsided into quiet
again. In the last half of the nineteenth century outstanding examples
of such coincidences are found in the sudden conclusion of the Franco-German
War in 1871, the Russo-Turkish War in 1878, and the Spanish-American War
in 1898.
Then there came in the early part of the present
century the devastating World War I when the four winds were permitted
to blow over much of the world. It was declared by many writers to be
the Armageddon of the Apocalypse. As the years went by, it seemed that
this great conflagration would consume the entire world, leaving neither
root nor branch. But suddenly the angel cried, "Hold," for the
sealing work was not yet fully accomplished. On November 11, 1918, the
four angels stopped the winds of strife, and a war-sick world,
distraught by the terror of four years of blood and carnage, rejoiced
once more in apparent peace and safety.
The Armistice was acclaimed as marking the beginning
of a golden age of peace and prosperity and good will among men, for had
not this been "a war to end war"? Millions believed that
another war would never come, that the human race had learned its
lesson. But may it not be that the hand of God was moving in the affairs
of nations to make possible the completion of the great work depicted in
verse 3 of this chapter in the words of the angel, "Until we have
sealed the servants of God in their foreheads"?
The period extending from the Armistice in 1918 until
the breaking out of the second world war was far from peaceful, for the
World Almanac listed no less than seventeen conflicts during this time,
which touched four continents. Many of these outbreaks possessed
potentialities of expanding into serious proportions. But every time the
troubled world began to fear the spread of these conflicts, the troubles
unexpectedly subsided. Did this angel interpose in behalf of peace?
Then suddenly the four angels again loosed their
hold, and the four winds took on whirlwind velocity in a devastating
global conflict we call World War II, and almost the entire
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world was engulfed. In its magnitude and fearful
depredations on all that mankind holds dear and precious, this struggle
entirely overshadowed World War I.
We are unable to understand or explain the ebb and
flow of these currents of war and peace on any other basis than the
revelation of Jesus Christ given through the prophet John and recorded
in the verses before us. When it suits the plans and purposes of God to
permit the winds of strife to blow, then human nature untouched by the
grace of God is seen in unbridled display. But when He says, "It is
enough," the angel cries, "Hold, Hold, Hold, Hold," and
the strife ceases that the work of God may proceed. Thus is will be
until the great consummation of the plan of salvation.
Are you troubled, dear reader, over the turmoil and
confusion among the nations? Do you desire to know what it all means?
You will find the answer in the picture presented in these verses.
"The Most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to
whomsoever He will." Daniel 4: 32. In His own chosen time He will
make "wars to cease unto the end of the earth." Psalm 46: 9.
Verse 4 And I heard the number of them which were
sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of
all the tribes of the children of Israel. 5 Of the tribe of Juda were
sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Reuben were sealed twelve
thousand. Of the tribe of Gad were sealed twelve thousand. 6 Of the
tribe of Aser were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Nepthalim
were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Manasses were sealed twelve
thousand. 7 Of the tribe of Simeon were sealed twelve thousand. Of the
tribe of Levi were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Issachar were
sealed twelve thousand. 8 Of the tribe of Zabulon were sealed twelve
thousand. Of the tribe of Joseph were sealed twelve thousand. Of the
tribe of Benjamin were sealed twelve thousand.
The Number to Be Sealed.--The number sealed is
here stated to be one hundred forty-four thousand. From the fact that
twelve thousand are sealed from each of the twelve tribes, many suppose
that this work must have been accomplished as far back at least as the
beginning of the Christian Era, when these tribes were literally in
existence. They do not see how it
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can apply to our own time, when every trace of
distinction between these tribes has been so long and so completely
obliterated. We refer such persons to the opening language of the
Epistle of James: "James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus
Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting. My
brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations."
Those whom James here addresses are Christians, for they are his
brethren. Some were converts from paganism and others were Jews, yet
they are all included in the twelve tribes. How can this be? Paul
explains in Romans 11: 17-24. In the striking figure of grafting which
the apostle there introduces, the tame olive tree represents Israel.
Some of the branches, the natural descendants of
Abraham, were broken off because of unbelief in Christ. Through faith in
Christ the wild olive scions, the Gentiles, are grafted into the tame
olive stock, and thus the twelve tribes are perpetuated. Here we find an
explanation of the language of the same apostle: "They are not all
Israel which are of Israel," and "he is not a Jew, which is
one outwardly, . . . . but he is a Jew, which is one inwardly."
Romans 9: 6-8; 2: 28, 29. so we find on the gates of the New Jerusalem--which
is a New Testament, or Christian, city--the names of the twelve tribes
of the children of Israel. On the foundations of this city are inscribed
the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. (Revelation 21: 12-14.)
If the twelve tribes belonged exclusively to the
Jewish era, the more natural order would have been to have their names
on the foundations, and those of the twelve apostles on the gates; but
no, the names of the twelve tribes are on the gates. As through these
gates, so inscribed, all the redeemed hosts will go in and out, so all
the redeemed will be reckoned as belonging to these twelve tribes,
whether on earth they were Jews or Gentiles.
It will be observed that the enumeration of the
tribes here differs from that given in other places. In the text before
us, Ephraim and Dan are omitted, and Levi and Joseph put in
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their places. The omission of Dan is accounted for by
commentators on the ground that that tribe was the one chiefly addicted
to idolatry. (See Judges 18.) The tribe of Levi here takes it place with
the rest, as in the heavenly Canaan the reasons for their not having
inheritance will not exist as in the earthly. Joseph is probably
substituted for Ephraim, it being a name which appears to have been
applied to the tribe of either Ephraim or Manasseh. (Numbers 13: 11.)
Twelve thousand were sealed "out of" each
of the twelve tribes, showing that not all who in the records of heaven
had a place among these tribes when this sealing work began, stood the
test and were overcomers at last, for the names of those already in the
book of life will be blotted out unless they overcome. (Revelation 3:
Verse 9 After this I beheld, and, lo, a great
multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and
people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb,
clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands; 10 and cried with a
loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne,
and unto the Lamb. 11 And all the angels stood round about the throne,
and about the elders and the four beasts, and fell before the throne on
their faces, and worshipped God, 12 saying, Amen: Blessing, and glory,
and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honor, and power, and might, be unto
our God for ever and ever. Amen.
After the sealing is accomplished, John beholds a
countless multitude worshiping God in rapture before His throne. This
vast throng is undoubtedly the saved out of every nation, kindred,
tribe, and tongue raised from the dead at the second coming of Christ,
showing that the sealing is the last work accomplished for the people of
God prior to translation.
Verse 13 And one of the elders answered, saying
unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? And whence
came they? 14 And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me,
These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed
their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. 15 Therefore
are they before the throne of God, and serve Him day and night in His
temple: and He that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them. 16
They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the
sun light on them, nor any heat. 17 For the Lamb which is in the midst
of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead
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them unto living fountains of waters: and God
shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.
A Special Company.--The questions put by one
of the elders to John, "What are these which are arrayed in white
robes? And when came they?" taken in connection with John's answer,
"Sir, thou knowest," implying that John did not know, would
seem to be devoid of point if they had reference to all the great
multitude now before him. For John did know who they were and whence
they came, inasmuch as he had just said that they were people--redeemed
of course--out of all nations, kindreds, people, and tongues. John could
have answered, These are the redeemed ones from all the nations of the
earth. No company is brought to view to which special allusion would
more naturally be made than the company spoken of in the first part of
the chapter, the 144,000. John had indeed seen this company in their
mortal state as they were receiving the seal of the living God amid the
troublous scenes of the last days; but as they here stand among the
redeemed throng, the transition is so great, and the condition in which
they now appear so different, that he does not recognize them as the
special company which he saw sealed upon the earth. To this company, the
following specifications seem to be specially applicable.
Came Out of Great Tribulation.--While it is
true in some degree of all Christians that they "must through much
tribulation enter into the kingdom of God" (Acts 14: 22), it is
true of the 144,000 in a very special sense. They pass through the great
time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation. (Daniel 12:
1.) They experience the mental anguish of the time of Jacob's trouble.
(Jeremiah 30: 4-7.) They are to stand without a mediator through the
terrible scenes of the seven last plagues, those exhibitions of God's
unmingled wrath in the earth as we shall see in Revelation 15, 16. They
pass through the most severe time of trouble the world has ever known,
although they shall finally triumph and be delivered.
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Wear White Robes.--They have washed their
robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. To the last
generation the counsel is very emphatic on the subject of obtaining the
white raiment. (Revelation 3: 5, 18.) The 144,000 refuse to violate the
commandments of God. (Revelation 14: 1, 12.) It will be seen that they
have rested their hope of life on the merits of the shed blood of their
divine Redeemer, making Him their source of righteousness. There is
peculiar force in saying of these that they have washed their robes, and
made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
Called First Fruits.--Verse 15 describes the
post of honor they occupy in the kingdom, and their nearness to God. In
another place they are called "the first fruits unto God and the
Lamb." Revelation 14: 4.
Shall Hunger No More.--In verse 16 it is said,
"They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more." This
shows that they have once suffered hunger and thirst. To what can this
refer. As it doubtless has reference to some special experience, may it
not refer to their trials in the time of trouble, more especially during
the seven last plagues? In this time the righteous will be reduced to
bread and water, and that "will be sure" (Isaiah 33: 16),
enough for sustenance. Yet may it not be that when the pastures, with
all fruits and vegetation, are dried up (Joel 1: 18-20), and the rivers
and fountains are turned to blood (Revelation 16: 4-7), to reduce their
connection with the earth and earthly things to the lowest limit, the
saints who pass through that time will be brought occasionally to
extreme degrees of hunger and thirst? But the kingdom once gained,
"they shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more."
The prophet continues: "Neither shall the sun
light on them, nor any heat." The 144,000 live through the time
when power is given unto the sun "to scorch men with fire."
Revelation 16: 8, 9. Though they are shielded from the deadly effect
which it has upon the wicked around them, we cannot suppose that their
sensibilities will be so deadened that they will feel no unpleasant
sensations from the terrific heat. No,
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as they enter the fields of the heavenly Canaan, they
will be prepared to appreciate the divine assurance that the sun shall
not injure them.
The Lamb Shall Lead Them.--Another testimony
concerning the same company, and applying at the same time, says,
"These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever He goeth."
Revelation 14: 4. Both expressions denote the state of intimate and
divine companionship to which the blessed Redeemer admits them.
In the following beautiful passage the psalmist seems
to allude to the same promise: "They shall be abundantly satisfied
with the fatness of They house; and Thou shalt make them drink of the
river of Thy pleasures." Psalm 36: 8. The phraseology of this
promise to the 144,000 is also partly found in a glowing prophecy from
the pen of Isaiah: "He will swallow up death in victory; and the
Lord God will wipe away tears from off all faces; and the rebuke of His
people shall He take away from off all the earth: for the Lord hath
spoken it." Isaiah 25: 8.