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Revelation Chapter XVIII
The Doom of Modern Babylon
Verse 1 And after these things I saw another angel
come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened
with his glory. 2 And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying,
Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of
devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean
and hateful bird. 3 For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath
of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed
fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich
through the abundance of her delicacies.
Some movement of mighty power is symbolized in these
verse. (See comments on verse 4 of this chapter.) The consideration of a
few facts will guide us unmistakably to the application. In Revelation
14 we had a message announcing the fall of Babylon. "Babylon"
is a term which embraces not only paganism and the Roman Catholic
Church, but religious bodies which have withdrawn from that church, but
bringing many of her errors and traditions with them.
A Spiritual Fall.--The fall of Babylon here
spoken of cannot be literal destruction, for there are events to take
place in Babylon after her fall which utterly forbid this idea. For
instance, the people of God are there after her fall, and are called out
in order that they may not receive of her plagues, which include her
literal destruction. The fall is therefore a spiritual one, for the
result of it is that Babylon becomes the habitation of devils, and the
hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.
These are terrible description of apostasy, showing that, as a
consequence of her fall, she piles up an accumulation of sins even to
the heavens, and becomes the subject to the judgments of God, which can
no longer be delayed.
Since the fall here introduced is a spiritual one, it
must apply to some branch of Babylon outside of the pagan or papal
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divisions; for from the beginning of their history
paganism has been a false religion, and the papacy an apostate one.
Further as this fall is said to occur but a short period before
Babylon's final destruction, certainly this side of the rise and
predicted triumph of the papal church, this testimony cannot apply to
any religious organizations but such as have sprung from that church.
These stared out on reform. They ran well for a season, and had the
approbation of God; but bringing some of her erroneous doctrines with
them, and fencing themselves about with creeds of their own, they have
failed to keep pace with the advancing light of prophetic truth. This
has left them where they will finally develop a character as odious in
the sight of God as that of the church from which they withdrew.
Alexander Campbell, founder of the Disciples of
Christ Church, says: "A reformation of popery was attempted in
Europe full three centuries ago. It ended in a Protestant hierarchy, and
swarms of dissenters. Protestantism has been reformed into
Presbyterianism, that into Congregationalism, and that into Baptistism,
etc., etc. Methodism has attempted to reform all, but has reformed
itself into many forms of Wesleyism. . . . All of them retain in their
bosom-- in their ecclesiastical organizations, worship, doctrines, and
observances-- various relics of popery. They are at best a reformation
of popery, and only reformations in part. The doctrines and traditions
of men yet impair the power and progress of the gospel in their
hands." [1]
Abundant testimony might be produced from persons in
high standing in these various denominations, written, not for the
purpose of being captious and finding fault, but from a vivid sense of
the fearful condition to which these churches have fallen. The term
Babylon, as applied to them, is not a term of reproach, but is simply
expressive of the confusion and diversity of sentiment that exists among
them. Babylon need not have fallen. She might have been healed (Jeremiah
51: 9) by receiving the truth, but she rejected it.
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In not accepting the truth of the second coming of
Christ and in reject the first angel's message, the churches failed to
walk in the advanced light shining on their pathway from the throne of
God. As a result, confusion and dissension reign within their borders.
Worldliness and pride are fast choking every plant of heavenly growth.
But in this chapter we have the fall of Babylon
mentioned again. In the previous reference it followed the sounding of
the first angel's message, and the divine declaration then was,
"There followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is
fallen." Now the latter pronouncement from heaven heaven is,
"He cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great
is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils." Here
is a further step in the development of apostasy, and the next few pages
will reveal the extent of this final phase of the fall of Babylon.
Time of This Fall.--At what time do these
verses have their application? When may this movement be looked for? If
the position taken here is correct, that these churches, this branch of
Babylon, experienced a spiritual fall by the rejection of the first
angel's message of Revelation 14, the announcement in the chapter now
under consideration could not have gone forth previous to that time. It
is, then, either simultaneous with the message of the fall of Babylon in
Revelation 14, or it is given at a later period than than. It cannot be
at the same time with that, for that merely announces the fall of
Babylon, while this adds several particulars which at that time were
neither fulfilled nor in the process of fulfillment. We are therefore to
look this side of 1844, when the previous message went forth, for the
announcement brought to view in this chapter. We therefore inquire, Has
any such message been given from that time to present? The answer is,
Yes. We are now hearing the third angel's message, which is the last to
be given before the coming of the Son of man. As declension has
increased in the religious world, that message has been augmented by the
warning of Revelation 18: 1-4, which thus constitutes a fea-
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ture of the third angel's message which is now being
proclaimed with power and lighting the world with its glory.
The Work of Spiritism.--The latter phase of
the work brought to view in verse 2 is in process of accomplishment, and
will soon be completed, by the work of spiritism. What are called in
Revelation 16: 14, "spirits of devils, working miracles," are
secretly but rapidly working their way into the religious denominations
above referred to. Their creeds have been formulated under the influence
of the wine (errors) of Babylon, one of which is that the spirits of our
dead friends, conscious, intelligent, and active, are all about us.
A significant feature in the work of spiritism just
now, is the religious garb is is assuming. Keeping in the background its
grosser principles, which it has heretofore carried so largely in the
front, it now assumes to appear as respectably religious as any other
denomination in the land. It talks of sin, repentance, the atonement,
salvation through Christ, in almost as orthodox language as do genuine
Christians. Under the guise of this profession, what is to hinder it
from entrenching itself in almost every denomination Christendom? We
have shown that the basis of spiritism, the immortality of the soul, is
a fundamental dogma of the creeds of almost all the churches. What,
then, can save Christendom from its seductive influence?
Herein is seen another sad result of rejecting the
truths offered to the world by the messages of Revelation 14. Had the
churches received these messages, they would have been shielded against
this delusion; for among the great truths developed by the religious
movement in the time of the great advent awakening, is the important
doctrine that the soul of man is not naturally immortal; that eternal
life is the gift of Jesus Christ, and can be obtained only through Him;
that the dead are unconscious; and that the rewards and punishments of
the future world lie beyond the resurrection and the day of judgment.
These truths strike a deathblow to the first and
vital claim of spiritism. What foot hold can that doctrine secure in any
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mind fortified by such truth? The spirit comes, and
claims to be the disembodied soul, or spirit, of a dead man. It is met
with the fact that that is not the kind of soul, or spirit, which man
possesses; that the "dead know not anything;" that this, its
first pretension, is a lie, and that the credentials it offers, show it
to belong to the synagogue of Satan. Thus it is at once rejected, and
the evil it would do is effectually prevented. But the great mass of
religionists stand opposed to the truth which would thus shield them,
and they thereby expose themselves to this last manifestation of satanic
Modern Liberalism.--While spiritism is thus
working, startling changes are manifesting themselves in high places in
some of the denominations. The fidelity of the present age, under the
seductive names of "science," "higher criticism,"
evolution," and "modern liberalism," has permeated most
of the theological colleges of the land, and to a large extent has made
serious incursions into the Protestant churches.
Public attention was forcibly called to this
situation by a writer, Mr. Harold Bolce, in the Cosmopolitan Magazine
for May, 1909. After making an investigation into the character of the
teaching that was being imparted in some of the leading universities of
this country, he reported the results in Cosmopolitan, which drew forth
this comment from the editor:
"What Mr. Bolce sets down here is of the most
astounding character. Out of the curricula of American colleges, a
dynamic movement is upheaving ancient foundations, and promising a way
for revolutionary thought and life. Those who are not in close touch
with the great colleges of the country will be astonished to learn the
creeds being fostered by the faculties of our great universities. In
hundreds of classrooms it is being taught daily that the decalogue is no
more sacred than a syllabus; that the home as an institution is doomed;
that there are no absolute evils; that immorality is simply an act in
contravention of society's accepted standards. . . . These are some of
the revolutionary and sensational teachings submitted
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with academic warrant to the minds of hundreds of
thousands of students in the United States." [2]
The results of modern liberalism have been all too
apparent in the work of the Protestant churches. Writers in the various
communions have freely pointed out the lack of interest in the preaching
of the gospel and the decline of missions in particular. One writer
states the situation in this way:
"Too largely I suspect our churches have become
weak, uncertain as to their purpose, lifeless, characterized by a deadly
respectability and lacking a sense of mission. The average congregation
is primarily concerned with raising enough money to pay the pastor and
to keep the property in good repair. There is little deep-seated
conviction any longer that 'we have a story to tell to the nations.' The
gospel of salvation and evangelism as respects the whole world has been
diluted into a satisfactory and responsible ethic and the church is a
society of good people who want the blessing of religion to attend them
during their moments of exaltation or grief, but are quite content to
absent themselves from the church and its divine mission so long as they
can clothe themselves in the aura of respectability which attaches to
church membership. Is this too caustic an indictment of the
church?" [3]
Another writer states the attitude of the churches
toward missions:
"Coupled with the fact that only a minority of
church members give conscientiously is the change in belief about
missions. Missionary boards may persuade themselves that the falling off
in their receipts is due to high taxes and lowered incomes, but pastors
who are in touch with donors recognize a definite increase of resistance
to making donations designed for extension of the gospel beyond our
borders. The number of otherwise loyal parishioners who doggedly
announce that
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they 'don't believe in missions' is mounting. The
caliber of these opponents gives pause. . . .
"The average annual per capita giving in twenty-two
non-Roman communions now shows $11.28 for congregational expenses,
against $2.19 for all non-local work. . . .
"The average of gifts beyond self-support coasts
from 29.69 per cent of the total income with the United Presbyterian
Church to 11.14, 12.30, and 10.02 per cent with the last-named trio.
Small wonder we are being urged to 're- think missions.' " [4]
Such results as these are declared to follow:
"While missionary zeal was waning, the situation
was further complicated by the revelation that other than evangelical
missionaries were being commissioned and sent to the foreign fields.
These were the 'adventurers' of a 'new civilization,' the 'creators of a
new world,' and were mainly filled with a social passion. . . .
"World evangelization was again given a cruel
blow in the critical findings of the Laymen's Foreign Missions Inquiry
Report. Although the object of this enterprise, which began in 1930 and
continued to 1933, was 'to aid laymen to determine their attitude toward
foreign missions by reconsidering the functions of such missions in the
world of today,' with undoubtedly the aim not only to remodel missions
but to increase financial receipts, the results was only more
controversy and decreased giving." [5]
Results of Apostasy.--From the standpoint of
such a lamentable outlook, and under the leadership of such men, how
long before Babylon will become full of spirits that are foul, and birds
that are hateful and unclean? What progress has already been made in
this direction! How would the godly fathers and mothers of the
generation that lived just before the first angel's message was given,
could they hear the teaching and behold
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the practices of the religious world, stand aghast at
the fearful contrast between their time and ours, and deplore the sad
degeneracy! But Heaven is not to let all this pass in silence. A mighty
proclamation is being made, calling the attention of all the world to
the fearful counts in the indictment against unfaithful religious
bodies, that the justice of the judgments that follow may plainly
Verse 3 shows the wide extent of the influence of
Babylon, and the evil that has resulted and will result from her course,
and hence the justness of her punishment. The merchants of the earth are
waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies. Who take the lead in
all the extravagances of the age? Who load their tables with the richest
and choicest viands? Who are foremost in extravagance in dress and all
costly attire? Who are the personification of pride and arrogance? Are
not church members in the very forefront of those who seek after the
material and prideful things of life?
But there is a redeeming feature in this picture.
Degenerate as Babylon has become as a body, there are exceptions to the
general rule; for God has still a people there, and she must be entitled
to some regard on their account until all who will answer are called
from her communion. Nor will it be necessary to wait long for this
consummation. Soon Babylon will become so thoroughly leavened with the
influence of these evil agents that her condition will be fully manifest
to all the honest in heart, and the way will be prepared for the work
which the apostle now introduces.
Verse 4 And I heard another voice from heaven,
saying, Come out of her, My people, that ye be not partakers of her
sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. 5 For her sins have
reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities. 6 Reward
her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to
her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double. 7 How
much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment
and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am
no widow, and shall see no sorrow. 8 Therefore shall her plagues come in
one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly
burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.
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The voice coming from heaven denotes that it is a
message of power attended with heavenly glory. How marked becomes the
interposition of Heaven, and how the agents for the accomplishment of
God's work multiply, as the great crisis approaches! This voice from
heaven is called "another" voice, showing that a new agency is
here introduced. We now have five celestial messengers expressly
mentioned as engaged in this last religious reformation. These are the
first, second, and third angels of Revelation 14; fourth, the angel of
verse 1 of this chapter; and fifth, the agency indicated by the
"voice" of verse 4, now before us. Three of these are already
in operation. The second angel has joined the first, and the third has
joined them. The first and second have not ceased. All three are now
united in proclaiming a threefold message. The angel of verse 1 here
enters upon his mission, as conditions call for his work. The divine
call from heaven to come out of Babylon takes place in connection with
his work.
"Come Out of Her, My People."--Proof
has already been offered to show that the message of verses 1 and 2 of
this chapter is given in connection with the now current threefold
message. An idea of its extent and power may be gathered from the
description of the angel there given. The first angel's message is said
to go with a "loud voice." The same is also said of the third
message, but this angel, instead of simply flying "in the midst of
heaven" like the others, is said to "come down" from
heaven." He comes with a message more pointed and direct. He has
"great power," and the earth is "lightened with his
glory." No such description of a message from heaven to man is
elsewhere to be found in all the Bible. This is the last, and as is
meet, it comes with surpassing glory and unwonted power. It is an awful
hour when a world's destiny is to be decided--a most solemn crisis when
an entire contemporaneous generation of the human family is to pass the
bounds of probation, as the last note of mercy is sounded.
In such a time, the world must not be left without
warning. So amply must the great facts be heralded that none can
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plead a reasonable ignorance of the impending doom.
Every excuse must be taken away. The justice and long-suffering and
forbearance of God in delaying threatened vengeance until all have had
an opportunity to receive a knowledge of His will, and time to repent,
must be vindicated. An angel is sent forth panoplied with heavenly
power. The light that encircles the throne enshrouds him. He comes to
the earth. None but the spiritually dead--yea, "twice dead, and
plucked up by the roots"--would fail to realize his presence. Light
flashes everywhere. The dark places are lighted up. While his presence
dispels the shadows, his voice in thunderous tones utters a warning. He
cries "mightily." It is no parlor announcement, but a cry, a
might cry with a strong voice.
The fatal defects in the profession of a worldly
church are again pointed out. Their errors are once more, and for the
last time, exposed. The inadequacy of the present standard of godliness
to meet the final crisis is emphasized beyond all mistaking. The
inevitable connection between their cherished errors and everlasting and
irretrievable destruction is heralded until the earth resounds with the
cry. Meanwhile, great Babylon's sins mount up to the heavens, and the
remembrance of her iniquities comes up before God. The storm of
vengeance gathers. Soon it will burst upon the great city of confusion,
and proud Babylon will go down as a millstone sinks into the depths of
the sea.
Suddenly another voice rings out from heaven,
"Come out of her, My people!" The humble, sincere, devoted
children of God, of whom there are some still left, and who sigh and cry
over the abominations done in the land, heed the voice, wash their hands
of her sins, separate from her communion, escape, and are saved, while
Babylon becomes the victim of the just judgments of God. These are
stirring times for the church. Let us be ready for the crisis.
The fact that God's people are called out so as not
to be partakers of her sins, shows that it is not until a certain time
that people become guilty by being connected with Babylon.
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Verses 6 and 7 are a prophetic declaration that she
will be rewarded or punished according to her works. Bear in mind that
this testimony applies to that part of Babylon which is subject to a
spiritual fall. As already pointed out, it must apply especially to the
"daughters," the denominations who persist in clinging to the
personal traits of the "mother," and keeping up the family
resemblance. These, as pointed out previously, are to attempt a sweeping
persecution against the truth and the people of God. By these the
"image to the beast" is to be formed. These are to have what
will be to them a new experience--the use of the civil arm to enforce
their dogmas.
It is doubtless this first intoxication of power that
leads this branch of Babylon to cherish in her heart the boast, "I
sit a queen, and am no widow;" that is, I am no longer {GREEK
CHARACTERS IN PRINTED TEXT}, chera, "one bereaved," or
destitute of power, as I have been. She declares, Now I rule like a
queen, and I shall see no sorrow. With blasphemy she boasts God is in
the Constitution, the church is enthroned, and will henceforth bear
sway. The expression, "Reward her even as she rewarded you,"
seems to show that the time for this message to reach its climax, and
for the saints to be finally called out, will be when she begins to
raise against them the arm of oppression. As she fills up the cup of
persecution to the saints, so the angel of the Lord will persecute her.
(Psalm 35: 6.) Judgments from on high will bring upon her a twofold
degree ("double unto her double"), the evil which she thought
to bring upon the humble servants of the Lord.
The day in which her plagues come, mentioned in verse
8, must be a prophetic day, or at least cannot be a literal day, for it
would be impossible for famine to come in that length of time. The
plagues of Babylon are without doubt the seven last plagues, which have
already been examined. The plain inference from the languages of this
verse in connection with Isaiah 34: 8, is that a year will be occupied
in that terrible visitation.
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Verse 9 And the kings of the earth, who have
committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her,
and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning, 10
standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that
great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment
come. 11 And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her;
for no man buyeth their merchandise any more.
A Fitting Retribution.--The infliction of the
first plague must result in a complete suspension of traffic in those
articles of luxury for which Babylon is noted. When the merchants of
these things, who are to a great extent citizens of this symbolic city,
and who have been made rich by their traffic in these things, suddenly
find themselves and their neighbors smitten with putrefying sores, their
traffic suspended, and vast stores of merchandise on hand, but none to
buy them, they lift up their voices in lamentation for the fate of this
great city. If there is anything which will draw from the men of this
generation a sincere cry of distress, it is that which touches their
treasures. There is a fitness in this retribution. They who but a short
time before had issued a decree that the saints of God should neither
buy nor sell, now find themselves put under the same restriction in a
far more effectual way.
The question may arise how persons involved in the
same calamity can stand afar off and lament. It must be remembered that
this desolation is brought to view under a figure, and the figure is
that of a city visited with destruction. Should calamity come upon a
literal city, it would be natural for its inhabitants to flee from that
city if they had opportunity, and standing afar off, lament its fall.
Just in proportion to their terror and amazement at the evil impending,
would be the distance at which they would stand from their devoted city.
The figure the apostle uses would not be complete without a feature of
this kind, and he uses it, not to imply that people would literally flee
from the symbolic city, which would be impossible, but to denote their
terror and amazement at the descending judgments.
Verse 12 The merchandise of gold, and silver, and
precious stones, and of pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and silk,
and scarlet, and all
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thyine wood, and all manner vessels of ivory, and
all manner vessels of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and
marble, 13 And cinnamon, and odors, and ointments, and frankincense, and
wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and beasts, and sheep, and
horses, and chariots, and slaves, and souls of men.
Babylon's Merchandise.--In these verses we
have an enumeration of great Babylon's merchandise, which includes
everything pertaining to luxurious living, pomp, and worldly display.
All kinds of mercantile traffic are brought to view. The declaration
concerning "slaves and souls of men" may pertain more
particularly to the spiritual domain, and have reference to slavery of
conscience by the creeds of these bodies, which in some cases is more
oppressive than physical bondage.
Verse 14 And the fruits that thy soul lusted after
are departed from thee, and all things which were dainty and goodly are
departed from thee, and thou shalt find them no more at all.
Gluttony Rebuked.--The fruits here mentioned
are, according to the original, "autumnal fruits." In this we
find a prophecy that the "delicacies of the season," upon
which the gourmand so sets his pampered appetite, will be suddenly cut
off. This, of course, is the work of the famine, which is the result of
the fourth vial. Revelation 16: 8.
Verse 15 The merchants of these things, which were
made rich by her, shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment,
weeping and wailing, 16 and saying, Alas, alas that great city, that was
clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold,
and precious stones, and pearls! 17 For in one hour so great riches is
come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and
sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off, 18 and cried when
they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, What city is like unto this
great city! 19 And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and
wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all
that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! For in one hour
is she made desolate.
Emotions of the Wicked.--The reader can
readily imagine the cause of this universal voice of mourning,
lamentation, an woe. Imagine the plague of sores preying upon men, the
rivers turned to blood, the sea like the blood of a dead man, the sun
scorching men with fire, the traders' traffic gone, and their sil-
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ver and gold unable to deliver them, and we need not
wonder at their exclamations of distress, nor that shipmasters and
sailors join in the general wail. Very different is the emotion of the
saints, as the following testimony shows:
Verse 20 Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye
holy apostles and prophets; for God hath avenged you on her. 21 And a
mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into
the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be
thrown down, and shall be found no more at all. 22 And the voice of
harpers, and musicians, and of pipers, and trumpeters, shall be heard no
more at all in thee; and no craftsman, of whatsoever craft he be, shall
be found any more in thee; and the sound of a millstone shall be heard
no more at all in thee; 23 and the light of a candle shall shine no more
at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall
be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of
the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived. 24 And in her
was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were
slain upon the earth.
Emotions of the Righteous.--The apostles and
prophets are here called upon to rejoice over great Babylon in her
destruction, as it is in close connection with this destruction that
they will be delivered from the power of death and the grave by the
first resurrection.
Like a great millstone dropped into the sea, Babylon
sinks to rise no more. The various arts and crafts that have been
employed in her midst, and have ministered to her desires, shall be
practiced no more. The pompous music that has been heard in her imposing
but formal and lifeless service, dies away forever. The scenes of
festivity and gladness, when the bridegroom and the bride have been led
before her altars, shall be witnessed no more.
Her sorceries constitute her leading crime, and
sorcery is a practice which is involved in the spiritism of today.
"In her was found the blood" of "all that were slain upon
the earth." From this it is evident that ever since the
introduction of a false religion into the world, Babylon has existed. In
her has been found, all along, opposition to the work of God, and
persecution of His people. In reference to the guilt of the last
generation, see comments on Revelation 16: 6.
[1] Alexander Campbell, Christian Baptism, p. 15.
[2] Cosmopolitan Magazine, May, 1909, p. 665.
[3] Dale D. Welch, "Real Issues and Great
Choices," The Presbyterian, January 9, 1941, p. 3.
[4] Phillips Endecott Osgood, "How Much Do You
Help the Church?" The Atlantic Monthly, January, 1940, p. 56,
[5] "Is It a Lost Cause?" editorial in The
Watchman-Examiner, February 1, 1940, p. 105.