Champions of Truth
Tracts and Pamphlets

Halloween: A Dark Holiday
Every year at the end of October we
are treated to the sight of excited
children masquerading as witches,
pirates, devils, ghosts, vampires, and
other symbols of evil. From door to
door they go yelling "Trick or treat"
collecting candies and tidbits.
But is it all fun and games? This pamphlet looks at both the
history of Halloween and at where it has lead many children and is
still leading them today.
100 Facts on the Sabbath Question
Why keep the Sabbath day? What is the object of the Sabbath?
Who made it? When was it made, and for whom? Which day
is the true Sabbath? Many keep the first day of the week, or Sunday.
What Bible authority do they have for this? Some keep the seventh day,
or Saturday. What Scripture do they have for that? Here are the facts
about both days, as plainly stated in the word of God:
Nailed to the Cross
A few weeks ago, there was placed in my hands a Bible study which presented the following
assumption: "The Old Testament was God's law to the Jew. You were never under it. The Ten
Commandments were given to the Jew only -- -- never to the Gentile. You cannot break the
Commandments anymore than you can break the law of China. You are not and never were
under are not under the Old Testament because Jesus took the law of Moses out of the
way at his death. 'He taketh away the old (covenant) that He might establish the new (covenant)
by the which will we are sanctified.' (Hebrews 10: 9,10)." Is this doctrine Scriptural or have many been
deceived by the arch-deceiver? See for yourself as this tract presents the
scriptural evidence that will help you make your own decision.
Which School Do You Attend?
Out of the Reformation of the sixteenth century there developed three distinct schools of Biblical prophetic interpretation. A close examination as to the origins of these different views shall undoubtedly uncover which position is correct. This tract will open your eyes to the origins of many modern day beliefs. Highly recommended for the student of Biblical prophecy.
The "Real" St. Patrick's Day!
High on a hilltop above the village of Saul, St. Patrick blesses the County Down countryside he loved so dearly. In the fifth century, returning from France to the land where he had spent six years in slavery, Patrick first stopped at Saul on his holy mission. Here, says the legend, in a barn lent to him by a local
chieftain, he set up Ireland's first Christian church. Discover in the pages of this book the truth about St. Patrick and his Christian church.
The History of Easter
Many are familiar with the story of Easter as it is told in the traditional Christian fashion, but very few people can explain where it got its name, where the symbols of bunnies and eggs came from, and how the day is selected to celebrate it on. Why aren't these things more common knowledge? The answers may
surprise you.

What the Bible Says Series
Tracts and Small Booklets

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