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Champions of Truth's


The Sufferings of Christ
In order to fully realize the value of salvation, it is necessary to understand what it cost. In consequence of limited ideas of the sufferings of Christ, many place a low estimate upon the great work of the atonement.The glorious plan of man's salvation was brought about through the infinite love of God and Father. In this divine plan is seen the most marvelous manifestation of the love of God to the fallen race. Such love as is manifested in the gift of God's beloved Son amazed the holy angels. "God so loved the world, that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."...See first hand what infinite cost was paid at Calvary for this world. You will never be the same.

Hell Fire, When and Where Is It?
There has been a lot of confusion about what happens to the wicked as their punishment. The Bible testimony is clear, and when you study a Bible doctrine, it has to agree with ALL of the other Scriptures found in the Old and New Testaments! This booklet takes a look at both in order to untangle some of the confusion on the topic of "HELL FIRE"

The Virgin Mary Our Lady?
One of Satan's methods of deception is the belief in the natural immortality of the soul, which has laid the foundation for the invocation of Saints and adoration of the virgin Mary in the Roman Catholic Church. Is the virgin Mary really appearing today, or have thousands of people been decieved? Find out what the Bible has to say on this subject.

Are You Breaking the Law?
Who thought to change God's Law? Have you been tricked into breaking it? The future of your life depends on the answer. Don't let this opportunity slip away. Find out who's been tampering with God's Law and how it affects you.

Do You Really Know Who This Man Is?
A very revealing book about the man of sin, the mark of the beast, and God's last warning message and call to His people. A must read for the student of prophetic writings.

The Coming One World Government
If you are wondering whether the next world empire will be Russia, China, the United States, or a one world government made up of all nations, you will be fascinated by a prediction which bears the stamp of divine authenticity. Come along on a journey of prophetic time and see what God has revealed through His word concerning the last kingdom of history.

One Raptured, The Other Left?
Today there is a doctrinal issue that has confused many sincere Christians. This issue concerns the second coming of Christ. Is there any scriptural evidence of a secret rapture? Is it Bible truth or human reason? Find out the truth, the answers are in this little, but informative, booklet.

Facts of the Future
In recent years the world witnessed one disaster after another. Droughts, floods, devastating cyclones and earthquakes have followed each other in steady succession. Thousands lost their lives by dreadful accidents on land, sea and air; while millions more are starving to death, nations are bankrupt, unable to repay their debts. Wars, national uprisings, population explosion and the continual destruction of nature causes man to look fearfully into the future. Many of these events are clearly prophesied in the Bible. See what's ahead for mankind and how you can avoid the coming calamities.

Brought to you by:

Champions of Truth
The Open Door Church

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